The Municipality received the following information from the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association:

Canadian Agricultural Safety Association“The Canadian Agricultural Safety Association is reaching out to municipalities, townships and counties like yours to let you know about The Back to Ag Program available for traumatically injured farmers and agricultural workers. Please pass this information on to farmers in your community that would benefit.

The Back to Ag Program is a new funding project focused on supporting the cost of adaptive technology for farmers or agricultural workers that have experienced a traumatic injury. The Back to Ag Program is the result of a partnership between the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association, Farm Credit Canada and the Rick Hansen Foundation.

The Back to Ag Program will provide up to $10,000 to a successful applicant to support the cost of adaptive technology for farmers and agricultural workers who have experienced a traumatic injury.

Applications for the Back to Ag Program will be accepted until May 24, 2015. Canadian residents who are 18 years or older, have experienced a life altering injury and are able to show their need and demonstrate how the adaptive technology will help them return to work on the farm are eligible to apply. The adaptive technology can come in the form of medical devices or accessibility tools like ramps or lifts or any other technology that will allow the producer in return to farm work.

Applicants are encouraged to visit, email or call CASA at 877 452 2272 for more information and application forms.

The Canadian Agricultural Safety Association is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to improving the health and safety of farmers, their families and agricultural workers. CASA is funded in part by Growing Forward 2, a federal, provincial and territorial initiative and receives additional support from the agricultural and corporate sectors. For more information, visit, find us on Facebook or LinkedIn or follow us on Twitter @planfarmsafety.”

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