Huron Shores Fire Chief Jim Kent has been informed that the Ministry’s Restriction has been terminated for our area effective at 12:01 a.m., May 16th. However, the Municipality’s Fire Ban remains in effect.
The Municipality of Huron Shores’ Fire Ban permits small, contained fires for cooking and/or warmth but, under Section 1.3 of the Open Air Burning By-law (By-law #14-08), fireworks are NOT permitted. The current conditions are still very dry and the Fire Department urges everyone to use extreme caution should you decide to have a campfire. When burning, always ensure that you have ready access to an adequate water supply, tools, etc. to control and thoroughly extinguish the fire. Never leave a campfire unattended. See General Conditions for Compliance for Cooking or Warmth for more information.
Open Air Burning Permits are not required for “campfires”, also defined under By-law #14-08, as being a small, contained fire, no greater than 1 metre in diameter with the flames to be no higher than 1 metre (this does not include large bonfires or brush fires). Under Huron Shores’ current Open Air Burning By-law, campfires ARE permitted when a Fire Ban is imposed. By-laws governing open air burning vary from municipality to municipality. If you are unsure of the by-law in your community, contact your municipal office prior to burning.
For more information with respect to Fire Bans and infractions of the by-law, please contact the Municipal Office at 705-843-2033, or visit the Fire Department page.