The Municipality received the following promotional information from the Johnson Farmers’ Market:

“Grow Together” – Promoting Central Algoma

The Johnson Farmers’ Market invites businesses and organizations to participate in a joint venture to grow your business and area events.

$60 WILL BUY: 85 mm x 22mm ad space on one side of a 278 mm x 430 mm (11” x 17”) placemat and your location marked on the map of Central Algoma on the reverse side.
Copies made available to local restaurants and/or for use at community meals and events.

Once formatted, the copies can be folded into a map and distributed as follows:

Within Central Algoma area Outside Central Algoma area
20 copies to participating parties

50 copies to each municipality

50 copies to each Farmers’ Market

Tourist information centres (east, west, north & south)


Each participant promoting each other To attract people to area & to be a resource for self-guided tours

With 6,000 copies to be printed that is just 1 cent a copy. Pretty amazing right?
For just a penny a copy: you get 6,000 advertisements plus a network team advertising with you.
Should you want a double space (side by side 170 mm X 22) or (one above the other 85mm x 44mm). Just 2 cents/copy.

Please click here to download the media release and participation form.  For more information with respect to the Johnson Farmers’ Market, please visit their website:


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