The Municipality of Huron ShoresThe updated Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law (text and maps), as presented at the October 7th, 2015 Public Meeting at Sowerby Hall, are available for review on the Planning Department page of or in person at the Municipal Office.  Fifty hard copies were provided to the October 7 public meeting attendees.  In addition, Council passed Resolution #15-22-01 to authorize additional meetings with dates to be determined at the October 14th, 2015, Regular Meeting of Council to allow for further public review of the Draft Zoning By-law.

Please click on the following link to visit the Planning Department page and view the updated Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law and Schedules (Note:  please scroll down the Planning Department page until you see the bulleted links):

The Municipality strongly encourages specific comments to be submitted as soon as possible in advance of the public sessions in order that they may be reviewed, and to allow time to incorporate any necessary changes to the draft document.

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