Algoma Earth Day BioBlitz The natural world impacts everything we do ! The Municipality of Huron Shores invites residents to bring awareness to the Algoma regions biodiversity and participate in a BioBlitz on Earth Day. A Bioblitz is a citizen science effort to record and identify plants and/or animal species within a designated area in a short period of time. The Algoma Earth Day BioBlitz will take place April 22 – April 24, 2022. The Municipality of Huron Shores encourages individuals to get outside and take photos of any wild plant or animal that you encounter and upload it through the app on your smartphone or through the iNaturalist website on your computer. To learn more and register for the event, please visit the Kensington Conservancy – Algoma Earth Day BioBlitz. Participants who submit at least five (5) observations are eligible to win one of three prizes, valued at $50 each ! a zero-waste cleaning kit from Hearterra a $50 gift certificate from Great Lakes Outfitters a day hike survival kit valued at $50