REMINDER: August 4th: Annual Country Fair & Silent Auction The Municipality received the following announcement from the Thessalon Township Heritage Association: “The Thessalon Township Heritage Association invites you to bring your family out to our annual Country Fair & Silent Auction on Monday, August 4, 2014, at the Thessalon Township Community Centre and Heritage Park Museum grounds in Little Rapids from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. LIVE LOCAL MUSIC CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES QUILT AND CULTURAL DISPLAY VINTAGE CARS AND TRACTORS ALPACAS FROM MEADOW VIEW FARMS HISTORICAL DISPLAYS BAKE TABLE LUNCH SERVED ALL DAY FROM KITCHEN AND BARBECUE RAFFLE OF 4 PRIZES VENDORS IN OUTSIDE SPACE Please contact Mary Anne at 705-842-2722 to secure a table and space. If you would like to donate to our bake table or to our silent auction, please call Laura at 705-842-3055. Volunteers to help with the children’s activities and to work in the kitchen would be much appreciated. We look forward to seeing you at the Country Fair to enjoy a fun-filled day, rain or shine.”