The Municipality of Huron ShoresThe Municipality is conducting its annual update of the Huron Shores Guide to Businesses and Organizations.  If you are already listed in the directory, you will be contacted to confirm your listing and provide any updates respecting contact information, services, products, etc.  The Business Directory is available  in print either from the Municipal Office or on  In addition, the on-line business directory lists individual businesses by category i.e. Motels, Campgrounds and Lodges; Restaurants and Taverns; Arts and Crafts; Local Food Producers, etc.  The on-line listing also includes geo-location information for the business/organization, assisting potential customers/clients to connect with your business.  This is a free service provided by the Municipality.

If your business/organization is not included in the current directory and you would like to be, please contact the Municipal Office at 705-843-2033 or  (ask for Carla or Blair).  The on-line listing may include more detailed information than in the print version, as well as photos.

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