Update – Due to the amount of rain received in our jurisdiction, the Huron Shores Fire Department has lifted the fire ban imposed on June 1st, 2021. *Please see the original notice below.
Posted May 31, 2021: Fire Ban Effective June 1, 2021

Original Post – Huron Shores Fire Chief Jim Kent has imposed a Fire Ban for The Municipality of Huron Shores, effective at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 1, 2021. Note that fireworks are NOT permitted when under a Fire Ban.

The Fire Ban does permit small, contained fires for cooking and/or warmth.  “Campfires”, are defined as being a small, contained fire, no greater than 1 metre in diameter with the flames to be no higher than 1 metre (this does not include large bonfires or brush fires).

The current conditions are very dry and the Fire Department urges everyone to use extreme caution should you decide to have a campfire. When burning, always ensure that you have ready access to an adequate water supply, tools, etc. to control and thoroughly extinguish the fire. Never leave a campfire unattended. Should the Fire Dept. be required to respond to a fire caused from a campfire, charges could be imposed. See General Conditions for Compliance for Cooking or Warmth for more information.

Open Air Burning Permits are not required for “campfires”, also defined under By-law #14-08, as being a small, contained fire, no greater than 1 metre in diameter with the flames to be no higher than 1 metre (this does not include large bonfires or brush fires). Under Huron Shores’ current Open Air Burning By-law, campfires ARE permitted when a Fire Ban is imposed. By-laws governing open air burning vary from municipality to municipality. If you are unsure of the by-law in your community, contact your municipal office prior to burning.

In order to limit traffic into the Municipal Office, we encourage individuals to obtain a permit online located under forms/permits.

For more information with respect to Fire Bans and infractions of the by-law, please contact the Municipal Office at 705-843-2033, or visit the Fire Department page.

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