Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (“FONOM”)
Presents Award for Broadband Initiative
Municipality of Huron Shores, September 16, 2021– FONOM President Danny Whalen presented Mayor Georges Bilodeau with the Executive Award today honouring his efforts in organizing the Huron Shore and Manitoulin Island Regional Broadband Initiative. MPP Michael Mantha joined the presentation to offer congratulations to Mayor Bilodeau. The Federation’s plaque represents recognition from the membership throughout Northern Ontario.
“This is a small token to recognize one’s peers who has gone above and beyond to make a difference,” said Mr. Whalen, “Georges’ commitment and dedication to grow the north and better the residents of Huron’s North Shore and region is an example of what all of us strive to accomplish in our public leadership role.”
As the Chair of H&M COFI (Huron Shore & Manitoulin Island Community Owned Fibre Infrastructure) Corporation Board, Mayor Bilodeau’s efforts have culminated in a successful grant allocation of up to $91 million dollars from both the Federal Government’s Universal Broadband Fund (UBF) and the Provincial Government’s Improving Connectivity in Ontario (ICON) Fund to build an Open Access Fibre Rich Network from Nairn Centre to Sault Ste. Marie, including Manitoulin Island, Elliot Lake and surrounding underserved rural communities.
“As a mayor, one strives to keep alive the vision and passion of the people, and in this case, I shared the vision of the people with as many municipalities as possible because we certainly share this particular common need”, says Mayor Bilodeau. “It is truly an honour to be recognized.”
If you would like more information about this topic, please contact:
Deborah Tonelli at (705)843-2033 or
email at debbie@huronshores.ca.