At the Regular Meeting of Council, held January 15, 2025, the Municipality of Huron Shores Council passed the following resolution regarding the release of the Integrity Commissioner’s report on Councillor Roger Mulligan:

WHEREAS the Integrity Commissioner has submitted a report dated January 15, 2025, regarding Councillor Roger Mulligan’s conduct under the Municipality of Huron Shores Code of Conduct;
AND WHEREAS Section 223.6(3) of the Municipal Act requires that Council make the report public;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the report of the Integrity Commissioner regarding Councillor Roger Mulligan be received for information;
AND THAT the report be posted on the municipal website in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act, 2001.”

The full report is now available for public review Expertise for Municipalities (E4M) – Integrity Commissioner Report re: Councillor R. Mulligan

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