Request for Tenders: Snowplowing Services in Iron Bridge MUNICIPALITY OF HURON SHORES Request for Tenders Snowplowing Services in Iron Bridge The Municipality of Huron Shores invites tenders for Snowplowing Services for the Iron Bridge Municipal Office, Public Library and Fire Hall for the 2016/2017 Winter Season. Closing Date and Time: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 @ 4:00 p.m. TENDER DOCUMENTS and further information may be obtained from the Office of the Municipality of Huron Shores OR by clicking on this link. SEALED TENDERS clearly marked “Tender – Snow Plowing Services in Iron Bridge” to be submitted to: Deborah Tonelli, Clerk/Administrator P.O. Box 460, 7 Bridge St. Iron Bridge, ON P0R 1H0 Phone: (705) 843-2033 Bids to be considered at the Regular Meeting of Council on Wednesday, October 26, 2016. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.