Town of Thessalon Investigates Water Distribution Improvements – Comments received until January 18/19 The Municipality has been requested to post the following information from Chris Kirby, P. Eng., Tulloch Engineering Inc., the consultant engineering firm, for the Town of Thessalon with respect to improvements in the Town’s water distribution system: “The Town of Thessalon proposes an investigation to provide improvements to the Thessalon water distribution system to reduce risk, maintain water main pressure and availability and reliability of the water system in the event of pump failure. The project is currently being planned under Schedule B of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment. Project documentation for the Thessalon Water Distribution System Improvements project, including the alternatives under consideration are included in the attached document – 17-2045 Class EA Project File – Initial. Agency input and comments are invited for incorporation into the planning and design of this project and will be received until January 18, 2019. Subject to comments received and the receipt of necessary approvals, the Municipality intends to proceed with the planning and preliminary design of this project in 2019. This Notice issued December 12th, 2018.” For further information on this project, or to provide comment, please contact the undersigned: Chris Kirby P. Eng Project Manager Tel: 705 842 3372 Fax: 705 842 2658 Cell: 705 971 6419 TULLOCH Engineering Inc. 200 Main Street – P.O. Box 579, Thessalon, ON P0R 1L0 |