Who is the Integrity Commissioner?

The Municipality of Huron Shores has appointed Charles A. Harnick from ADR Chambers Inc. (ADRC) as the Integrity Commissioner. ADRC provides professional and independent Integrity Commissioner services to ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability in municipal governance.

Role of the Integrity Commissioner

The Integrity Commissioner is an independent and impartial position appointed to enhance accountability and transparency within the Municipality of Huron Shores. The role includes:

  • Administering and advising on the Members of Council Code of Conduct.
  • Investigating formal complaints related to potential breaches of the Code.
  • Educating Council members and appointed officials about their ethical responsibilities.

The Integrity Commissioner supports the Municipality’s commitment to ethical governance and public trust.


Integrity Commissioner’s responsibilities include:


  • Providing advice to Council to prevent potential Code of Conduct violations.
  • Reviewing and recommending updates to the Code of Conduct to reflect best practices.
  • Offering guidance to the public on Council conduct-related matters.
  • Educating members of Council on ethical behavior and their roles and responsibilities.

Complaint Investigation

  • Assessing complaints from the public for validity.
  • Reporting investigation findings to Council and the public.
  • Delivering an annual report to Council.
  • Conducting presentations and training workshops at least once per Council term.

Complaint Adjudication

  • Investigating and determining whether a member of Council or an appointed individual has breached the Code of Conduct.
  • Recommending appropriate disciplinary measures for violations.
  • Reporting findings through Council.

Note: The Integrity Commissioner does not oversee or investigate the conduct of municipal employees.

Submitting a Complaint to the Integrity Commissioner

If you believe a member of Council or an appointed individual has breached the Code of Conduct, you may submit a formal complaint to the Integrity Commissioner. The process is as follows:

Formal Complaint Submission

  • Complaints must be submitted in writing.
  • Formal complaints must include clear and specific allegations related to the Members of Council Code of Conduct.

Role of the Clerk

  • The complaint must be conveyed to ADRC by the Clerk of the Municipality.
  • The Integrity Commissioner’s jurisdiction over complaints begins only after the Clerk formally submits the complaint to ADRC.

Review and Assessment

  • Once the complaint is received, the Integrity Commissioner assesses its validity to determine if it warrants investigation under the Code of Conduct.
  • Complaints outside the scope of the Code or lacking sufficient information may not proceed to the investigation stage.


  • If the complaint is valid, the Integrity Commissioner conducts a thorough and impartial investigation.
  • The investigation may include interviews, document reviews, and other necessary steps to gather evidence.

Findings and Reporting

  • Following the investigation, the Integrity Commissioner prepares a report detailing the findings and any recommendations for disciplinary action, if applicable.
  • This report is submitted to Council for consideration and, where necessary, made public to ensure transparency.

Note: The Integrity Commissioner cannot provide legal advice or guidance on whether to file a complaint. They also do not oversee municipal employees.

Council Code of Conduct and Complaint Procedure

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