Although the water level of the Mississagi River remains high, the water on Mississagi Crescent and Short Street in Iron Bridge has receded and the traffic barricades have been removed.  Some water remains over the road on Cameron Road in Dayton.

If the situation worsens, the Municipality will commence media advisories. and consult, for further information.

Previous bulletins follow:

Red Rock Generating Station
Red Rock Generating Station

Update:  October 16, 2014, 3:49 p.m.:  Flood Warning in Effect for Huron Shores

The Municipality has been advised by Brookfield Power Mississagi Power Trust that, due to current watershed conditions, they have had to increase water discharge rates to 670 cubic metres per second at Red Rock Dam As a result of this advice, Huron Shores has issued a flood warning for residents and properties affected by the Mississagi River water levels.   A flood warning indicates that flooding may be imminent and you should take immediate measures to ensure personal safety and protection of your property.

Once a flood warning has been issued, residents may be advised to evacuate. The following steps are recommended:

  • Retrieve your Emergency Survival Kit.
  • Should the event worsen, listen continuously to a weather radio, or a battery-operated, portable radio for updated emergency information.
  • Follow the instructions and advice of local authorities.
  • Be alert to the signs of flooding, as a warning means that flooding is imminent or occurring.
  • If you believe that you are at risk, evacuate immediately and move to higher ground. Do not worry about personal belongings as they can be replaced – you cannot.
  • If you are advised to evacuate, do so immediately following the recommended evacuation routes set out by the Municipality or Ministry of Transportation (MTO).
  • Stay away from valleys, low-lying areas, canyons etc. as they can become water-filled quickly.
  • If outdoors, move away from dangerous flood waters and climb to high ground and remain there.
  • If you come across a flowing stream where the water is above your ankles, stop, turn around, and go another way. You could be swept off your feet in as little as 15 centimetres (6 inches) of water. Never walk or drive in swift water.
  • The Municipality does not currently have plans for pets or livestock. Therefore, it is currently the responsibility of the resident to conduct their own planning in this regard. Municipal and/or other agency assistance may only be provided if possible.

If the situation worsens, the Municipality will commence media advisories. and consult, for further information.

Original post: October 16, 2014, 1:28 p.m.
The Municipality has been advised by Brookfield Power Mississagi Power Trust that, due to current watershed conditions, they have had to increase water discharge rates to 640 cubic metres per second at Red Rock Dam.  As a result of this advice, Huron Shores has issued a flood watch for residents and properties affected by the Mississagi River water levels. A flood watch asks that you monitor conditions, and exercise increased efforts to ensure personal safety as well as the protection of your property.

While the present water discharge rates do not pose an immediate risk of flood, should Mississagi Power Trust be forced to increase the discharge rate to 650 cubic metres per second, flooding may become a real possibility.  Should this happen, affected property owners will be contacted again to advise of a flood warning.  A flood warning indicates that flooding may be imminent and you should take immediate measures to ensure personal safety and protection of your property.

If the situation worsens, the Municipality will commence media advisories. and consult, for further information.

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