Iron Bridge EarlyON and CAPC

North Shore EarlyON Child and Family Centre is open in Iron Bridge (22337 Hwy 17 E ). To register for...

Iron Bridge EarlyON and CAPC

North Shore EarlyON Child and Family Centre is open in Iron Bridge (22337 Hwy 17 E ). To register for...

Iron Bridge EarlyON and CAPC

North Shore EarlyON Child and Family Centre is open in Iron Bridge (22337 Hwy 17 E ). To register for...

Regular Meeting of Council

Council Chambers 7 Bridge Street, Iron Bridge, Ontario, Canada

Regular Meetings of Council are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month (excluding July, August, and December; which are held...

Iron Bridge EarlyON and CAPC

North Shore EarlyON Child and Family Centre is open in Iron Bridge (22337 Hwy 17 E ). To register for...

Remembrance Day Ceremony

Iron Bridge Cenotaph 3 Main Street, Iron Bridge, ON, Canada

Please join us at the Iron Bridge Cenotaph on November 11, 2022 for a Remembrance Day Ceremony. The Ceremony will...

Blind River 2022 Santa Clause Parade

Please contact Summer Jamieson no later than November 5, 2022, if interested in participating in the Santa Clause Parade.

Regular Meeting of Council

Council Chambers 7 Bridge Street, Iron Bridge, Ontario, Canada

Regular Meetings of Council are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month (excluding July, August, and December; which are held...

Regular Meeting of Council

Council Chambers 7 Bridge Street, Iron Bridge, Ontario, Canada

Regular Meetings of Council are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month (excluding July, August, and December; which are held...

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